The research, analysis and support to access and use financial funds for enterprises is one of our main focus.
European projects represents an opportunity to carry out activities aimed at objectives for local improvement, aligning the level of Italian operators with that of the other European countries and improving Union efficiency and quality.
The European calls are open to all: start-ups, small and large companies, Public Administrations, Universities – to carry out projects mainly in partnership with institutions of other countries and in several areas and sectors, from the agri-food industry to the cultural one.
These Measures are a great opportunity for our territory, both for the variety of funding types and for the abundance of the available resources, but above all for the incentive they represent for the development of new initiatives able to find solutions and develop relationships at local and Union level.
LC INTERNATIONAL works as an interlocutor with the European institutions; it develops, drafts and presents the application dossier according to the procedures required by the various programmes and, once the approval is obtained, we back up the client in their project management activities.