Regulation 1144/2014 – year 2025. European non-repayable loans
On 13 December 2024, the European Commission published the Annual Work Program concerning the opening for the year 2025 of the EU Regulation 1144/2014, which is meant to co-finance activities for the promotion of sustainable and high-quality EU agri-food [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2024/2025: the regional deadlines
In our last news we provided you with all the information related to the publication of the national decree concerning the call OCM Vino - Promotion on Third Country Markets 2024/2025. FIND OUT WHAT IT IS ABOUT AND HOW [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2024/2025: the national call
On May 3rd, 2024, the MASAF published the directorial decree no. 198090 on the notice of presentation of projects for the 2024-2025 campaign of the OCM Wine Promotion on third country markets. The document, in particular, indicates the operative [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2023/2024: the national call
On July 21, MASAF published Directorial Decree No. 385535, of the OCM Wine Promotion in Third Country Markets 2023/2024 call. The national call was long overdue, and the document outlines the operational and procedural modalities for project submission and [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2023/2024: operational procedures
On 29 May 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry published the draft decree on the implementation modalities of the measure "Promotion on third country markets of the OCM Wine". This document actually contains the guidelines that [...]
OCM Wine Investments 2022/2023 – Piedmont Region
With Executive Determination 724/A1701B/2022 of September 15, 2022, the Piedmont Region officially opened the OCM Wine Investments 2022/2023 call dedicated to local wineries. This is a great help for Piedmont wineries (the calls for other regions will be opened [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2021/2022: the regional deadlines
Following the official publication of the national call OCM Wine - Promotion on Third Countries Markets 2020/2021, now the Italian regions are issuing their own decrees for projects based on regional quota. In fact, each regional authority can make [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2021/2022: the national call
On August 26, 2021 the MIPAAF published the directorial decree n. 376627 about the presentation of projects for the 2021/2022 campaign of the call OCM Wine - Promotion on Third Countries Markets. If you are not familiar with the [...]
Winexperience – Taste the Tradition
Call OCM Wine - Promotion on Third Countries Markets 2020/2021 - Piedmont Multiregional Sector Wine Typology Promotion/export Company Associazione di Imprese "Winexperience Description In addition to national and regional projects, the call OCM Wine - Promotion in Third Countries [...]
OCM Wine Investments 2020/2021: regional deadlines
Also for the year 2020/2021, the opening of the call OCM Wine Investments, one of the most important measures to promote the wine sector, has been arranged. If you have never heard of this call, we will explain it [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2020/2021: the national call
In our previous article we had indicated the expected opening dates of the new call OCM Wine – Promotion on Third Countries Markets. What has been confirmed: on September 30, the MIPAAF published the decree n. 9193815 containing the [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2020/2021: the expected dates
On July 2, 2020, the MIPAAF published Decree 6986 which, in addition to amending Decree No. 3893 of 4/04/2019 relating to the 2019/2020 vintage of the OCM Promotion campaign, announced the main dates foreseen for the 2020/2021 vintage of [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 19/20 – COVID: new deadlines
Seen of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to the actions set out in the internationalization projects participating in the calls "OCM Wine - Promotion on Third Country Markets 2019/2020", by decree 38798 of 8 July [...]
Measure 1144/2014: European non-repayable loans
Not only national and regional calls: Europe provides non-repayable funds for companies that want to approach new markets. We know that for a company the world of calls can be obscure, difficult and stressful, and the term "European call" [...]
OCM Wine Investments 2019/2020
For the year 2019/2020 the OCM Wine Investments call has been made available to wineries a few weeks in advance of the usual opening in December. If you are not familiar with this call, here below we explain what [...]
What GALs are and how they works
Scrolling through the list of calls on our site or reading them on platforms of institutions and administrations, you will surely have come across "GAL" calls and maybe, not knowing what they are, you have passed over leaving you [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2019/2020: regional deadlines
Following the official publication of the national call OCM Wine - Promotion on Third Countries Markets 2019/2020 that we have examined in our previous article, now the Italian regions are issuing their own decrees for projects based on regional [...]
OCM Wine Promotion 2019/2020: the national call
As anticipated by our previous article, on May 30 the MIPAAF published the decree which officially opens the new campaign for participation in the call OCM Wine - Promotion in Third Country Markets 2019/2020. However, on 10 June the [...]
OCM wine promotion 2019/2020: the operating procedures
On 4 April 2019 the MIPAAF published the decree 3893 about the operating procedures (that you can read here) of the next call OCM Wine Promotion 2019/2020, which is expected to open within a few weeks. The call OCM [...]
OCM Wine Investment 2018/2019: the regional deadlines
Following the official publication of the national call for tenders OCM Wine Investment 2018/2019, the regions are issuing their directives for the participation; directives that slightly deviate from the national decree. The application submission procedures must be followed by [...]
OCM Wine Investment 2018/2019
The call OCM Wine Investment 2018/2019 is going to be open soon. The Measure – with slight differences between the various Italian regions, which will issue their own local decrees starting from the National one – grants support to [...]
Internationalization: the 10 rules to succeed
The internationalization of its own business is one of the goals of many entrepreneurs. But to achieve this it is necessary to create a targeted plan, which aims to satisfy all the steps necessary to ensure that the internationalization [...]
“Rinnova Veicoli” call
The Lombardy Region and the Chamber of Commerce have made available to the Lombardy companies the Rinnova Veicoli call, which grants contributions for the purchase of new vehicles for commercial use with low environmental impact, for an improvement of [...]
Startup: requirements and benefits
The term innovative startup refers to a new company configured on a temporary model or as a capital company looking for a repeatable and scalable business model, an activity with a new type of business. The article 25, clause [...]
Export 4.0 call – e-commerce and fairs
On November 6th the second time window that will allow lombard companies to participate at the EXPORT 4.0 CALL will be opened. It is an initiative promoted by Lombardy Region and Chamber of Commerce to support the companies willing [...]